Kawakawa Balm
Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum) is one of the most easily recognised plants in the New Zealand. It has heart shaped leaves, and often has holey leaves as a result of caterpillars, who feast on its rich goodness.
Kawakawa is well known for its healing properties. It has been used for generations by Maori for its health benefits and healing properties.
Kawakawa is an extremely important plant for the Maori people. It is a ceremonial plant Maori wear wreaths of kawakawa on the head as a sign of mourning. Host people of a marae wave leaves of kawakawa to welcome guests especially at a tangi.
Kawakawa leaves contains Elemicin and myrsticin, which is related to eugenol, which is a mild antiseptic anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.
Kawakawa leaves were traditionally used topically for numerous conditions including, bruises, rheumatism, dry irritated skin and minor cuts and infections.
Native NZ Kawakawa has been used for centuries for its amazing healing properties, especially for sensitive or irritated skin.
It is amazing for skin conditions such as eczema
Our Kawakawa balm is made from our kawakawa plants. We make our own kawakawa oil with the leaves.
We then make our balm using shea butter and essential oils such as lavender and manuka to enhance the healing properties.
Our beautiful healing kawkawa balm available now